Rope 365 follows a free-to-play model. All the educational content is available for free and you can support and project and find bonus content on Patreon. In the future, we aim to create objects for purchase to enhance the experience such as posters, cards, books, etc.

In the meantime, the best way to support is to provide feedback to help make the project better. Another way is to subscribe to the mailing list so you can be the first to know when new content is available.


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And follow us on Social media

Here are a few other ways you can support the project

  • Try the exercises, comment on your experience in the comment section at the bottom of each page or on social media. Show your own creations and link to the site so others can try it too. Tag #rope365 and/or @ebimcknotty so I don’t miss it!
  • Share the love, try the exercises with your local group, send the link to your friends.
  • Review the website: see a link that is broken? A piece of information that is incorrect? Some spelling mistakes? Wanna suggest tips or interesting links? You can use the comment function at the bottom of each page or the contact page to signal issues.
  • Seeking rope educators to review unpublished content: I’ve put together a guide to review the draft that includes more references and peer feedback than the website. If you’re on the mailing list I can also promote you to a group where I notify everyone when I seek specific feedback or information. Contact me to show interest!
  • Translating rope365: do you speak another language and wish to bring the content to your community? Some of the content is ready for translation and has already been translated to French. It would also be great to have feedback on the French translation so far. Contact me if you’re interested.
  • Contribute writings: are you knowledgeable about one or many of the topics on the website. We’re looking for short writing to include your wisdom. The writings we’ve received so far really give more depth to the content. Contact me if you’d like to contribute some bottoming tips, pro tips, personal stories, etc.
  • Hosting posts: do you have a rope educational writing on fetlife that you wish people could be accessed without having to create an account? Are you looking for a place to post your rope knowledge without having to build a whole website? I’ll be happy to host your writing and give you access to update it via the WordPress interface.
  • Improving search results: are you a knowledgeable person that knows how to make a custom WordPress show up more in google. I could use help with that too.
  • Do you have a specific skill you’d like to contribute to make rope365 a book? Like legal advice, publishing advice, etc. Contact me !!!

Thanks to all who have been helping so far. Your support is precious and the very fuel that keeps the project moving.

Or return to the About section for more options.