Introduction text to chapter
Day 1: Single Column Tie – Learn the Somerville bowline and practice your favourite single column tie with a few challenges.
Day 190: Square and Granny – aka boola boola, yuki knot – This single column tie is probably the most classic because of its simplicity and speed but also comes with the limitations as it can collapse and turn into a slip knot. It consists of two half knots on top of each other and depending on the direction, will yield two different knots. The square knot (aka reef knot or honmusubi 本結び) always remains easy to untie but may have a tendency to collapse depending on the direction in tension. The granny knot (aka tatemusubi 縦結び) is slightly more secure but also more difficult to untie. You can add a twist or an additional half knot to make it more secure. Look at Day 18 for a refresher of the difference between the granny and the square knot.
Inspiration and References
- The Most Popular Single Column Tie by Bondage Tuition
- Nail The Single Column Tie by Bondage Tuition
- Reef and Granny Knot by Arizona Shibari Studio
- Reef Knot & Granny Knot by Anatomie Studio
- The Reef (Square) Knot (本結び) as a Single Column Tie by Kinetik Speicher
- The Granny Knot (縦結び) as a Single Column Tie by at Kinetik Speicher
- Yuki/Square knot single column tie by FirstBight
- Three half knots tutorial by Yukinaga Max Single wrist – Single ankle tie – Double ankle tie
- Single Column Rope Cuff (granny + half knot) by Boundjocks
- A simple rule for the single column tie knot (square vs granny) by Esinem
- Single column tie (adding a twist) by Ren Yagami with Esinem
- The foolproof knot (adding a twist) in by Esinem
- 10 pro tips: Single column tie by Esinem
Day 3: Title – Text here that describes what to do
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Day 4: Title – Text here that describes what to do
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Day 5: Title – Text here that describes what to do
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Day 6: Title – Text here that describes what to do
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Day 7: Title – Text here that describes what to do
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Credit: these people