So my goal this year was and still is to post one chapter a month (7 daily activities). Considering my current velocity, and the amount of free time I have ahead, that will be a challenge but if I push through I believe I can make it. Hopefully as a solid foundation is set, my velocity will increase.

The turning of the new year seemed to have motivated a lot of people into doing a 365 challenge, and that is hyping me a lot. So much that I want to do more… I’d like everyone to be able to use my list to help them in their challenge,  but there is no way I will be able to post everything to the right level of quality in time.

Solution: post just the summary of each day. 

One line challenge will be plenty to get the experienced rope lover started. I just need to post them early enough on a weekly basis.  

It’s still a challenge, because a chapter needs to be at a certain stage of completion to be able to list the activities with assurance. Spring will not be a problem, but this will force me to flesh out the three other seasons early enough. This is a good thing, it will force to alternate between having a global view, and the micro fine tuning mode.

The good thing with a web site is that it is not set in stone. As I see everyone’s interpretation of the challenge, ideas will evolve and I can update accordingly.

To celebrate this decision, I have listed challenges for week 2. Looking forward what others will do with it.