There is a huge variety of books about rope bondage. Each of them usually represents the style of their author, which makes each of them unique. It would not be possible to make an extensive list of all the books but here are a few that had an influence on my journey. Feel free to recommend your favourite books in the comments.

Is there a Rope365 book? Not yet! It has been the plan from the very start to create a book with the rope 365 program but the process of writing something ambitious as a hobby also takes time. In the meantime, you can enjoy a large chunk of the Rope365 program for free on this website.

Great Books to Start With!

An overview of my top recommendations depending on what you are searching for.

Essence of Shibari: Kinbaku and Japanese Rope Bondage by Shin Nawakari

An excellent book on Japanese style rope. Beyond the safety and basics, it includes lots of classics ties and creative improvisations. It features ties on both men and women.

Shibari You Can Use by Lee Harrington

Discover a variety of ties in a fusion style that mixes in more western style bondage. This book showcases a wide amount of diversity of body types and gender representation.

Better Bondage for Every Body  by Evie Vane

If you are looking to acquire core knowledge and discover the diversity of the rope community, this is what you need. It showcases topics like nerve anatomy, neuroscience, warming up the body and pain processing. This is not a how-to tie book but includes a few ties to adapt to different flexibility range.

Tying and Flying: Bondage for self-suspension by Shay Tiziano

For the self-tyers, this book covers many body ties and all the information to get into the air. A lot of the knowledge can be transposed to tying a partner. It features a fusion style of bondage.

Shibari Suspensions: A Step by Step Guide by Gestalta

If suspension is your goal, this book will take you in there in a straight line. It features Japanese style structures and techniques and covers floorwork, partial, and a few classic suspensions.

More books in English

The Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage by Midori

Published in 2001, this book starts with an interesting section on the mindset behind rope bondage. It contains step by step for 7 different classic ties. Instructions are drawn so they may be harder to follow than other books.

Miumi-U Teaches Japanese Shibari by Miumi-U

This book showcase some complex ties likes the box ties using lots of pictures. This is a good companion along with other resources. 

More Shibari You Can Use by Lee Harrington

If you enjoyed Shibari You Can Use, this sequel will take you through more exploration and advanced ties such as hair ties, head harness, hands in front harness, etc.

Kinbaku Mind and Techniques 1 by Arisue Go

This book was originally designed for the students of Arisue Go to go along his classes. This book covers basic suspension and is best used along with other resources.

Kinbaku Mind and Techniques 2 by Arisue Go

Stand-alone and doesn’t require book one. Covers a lot of floorwork ties in the style of Arisue Go that is a bit chaotic. Pictures are in black and white and more recent books by Arisue Go in Japanese have higher quality content.

Bondage for Sex by Chanta Rose

Educational book with a focus on sexy ties for the bedroom.

Bondage Basics by Lord Morpheous

Educational book that covers lots of basics ties. Features a few sexy stars from adult movies that you may recognize.

Men* in Rope by Mango

Photobook of men and non binary humans in rope. Not a tutorial but does contain writing on the history of men representation in rope and the style of Akechi Kanna

Archeology of Personalities: a linguistic approach to erotic rope bondage by Barkas

An essay about the interaction and communication in rope bondage. This is a philosophical reading and doesn’t contain rope tutorials.

The Little Guide to Getting Tied Up by Evie Vane

A collection of tips for those who wish to be tied up.

Complete Shibari: Land by Douglas Kent

A collection of floorwork ties tutorials, it contains a great section on understanding frictions.

Complete Shibari: Sky by Douglas Kent

A collection of suspension tutorials. This book is best used in combination with other resources to get all the knowledge about tension and safety required for safer suspensions.

Showing you the Ropes by Two Knotty Boys

A classic of fusion style bondage, the The Knotty Boys style uses a lot of fancy knots to create shapes on the body.

Back on the Ropes by Two Knotty Boys

If you enjoyed “Showing you the Rope. You can dive deeper into the fusion style with this sequel.

The Adventures of Sweet Gwendoline by John Willie

A collection of comics and illustrations by John Willie including a few drawn tutorials that are a classic of the damsel in distress style.

The Beauty of Kinbaku by Master K  by Author

A book focused on the history of Japanese bondage. It features biographies on several important Japanese artists, a collection of pictures by the author, a large glossary and a short primer on tying at the end.  See also the author website


The Ashley Book of Knots by Clifford W. Ashley

The bible of knots. Not a rope bondage book but contains so much information about ropes that it will surely get your brain bursting with ideas.

More Books in Other Languages

Kinbaku Posing Catalog How to draw rope posing by Nawashi Kanna

A reference book for drawing manga, it contains a large amount of pictures of different ties from different angles. A great way to dive into the style of Nawashi Kanna. It can be appreciated without knowledge of Japanese.

How to tie a girl  1 by unknown author

Tutorials for several classic ties done in a drawing style. Since it contains only drawing it is easier to import than other Japanese bondage books. It can be appreciated without knowledge of Japanese.

How to tie a girl 2 by Kazami Ranki & Shigonawa Bingo,

Tutorials for several classic ties including basic suspension with Kazami’s famous box tie and hip harness. Since it contains only drawings it is easier to import than other Japanese bondage books. It can be appreciated without knowledge of Japanese.

How to tie a girl 3 by Golden and Otonawa

An in-depth dive in safety in rope bondage. Since it contains no nude pictures it is easier to import than other Japanese bondage books. This book is recommended for those who can read Japanese.

Nawatomische Tabellen by Arisue Go

Educational book that includes classics ties and a few suspensions poses. It contains lots of pictures and can be appreciated without understanding Japanese.

Kinbaku Theory And Practices by Arisue Go

Educational book that includes classics ties and a few suspensions poses. It contains lots of pictures and can be appreciated without understanding Japanese.

The Book Of Five Rings For Rope Arts Vol.1 by Arisue Go

Educational book that includes classics ties and a few suspensions poses. It contains lots of pictures and can be appreciated without understanding Japanese.

The Book Of Five Rings For Rope Arts Vol.2 by Arisue Go

This book is a mix of rope tutorials and pornographic images, it contains a DVD of pornographic videos. It contains lots of pictures and can be appreciated without understanding Japanese.

L’imaginaire érotique au Japon by Agnès Giard

An exploration of the different erotic practices in Japan. It contains a small section on rope bondage. Even if the book is heavily illustrated, it is best to understand the language, in French and Japanese.

Books about Rope Martial Arts

Reference material for Hojōjutsu 捕縄術 and other rope based martial art. They are generally consider an indirect ancestor of rope bondage and can be used to inspire your ties. See History and Prisoner Ties for more activities on these topics

Hojōjutsu: The Warrior’s Art of the Rope by Christian Russo

A great overview ot hojōjutsu, the history, techniques and different schools. It contains a small section on rope bondage. Original in Italian but also available in English.

Samurai Bondage by Fujita Seiko & Eric Shahan

Partial translation of the famous Zukai Torinawajutsu. Includes the original text in Japanese, a translation and comments by the translator. Lots of drawing that are interesting to analyze

Hojo Kyohan: An Instructor’s Guide to the Police Rope by Mura Inokichi & Eric Shahan

Translation of an instructor guide to police rope from 1926. Includes the original text in Japanese, a translation and comments by the translator.

Torinawa taizen : Nihon dento bugei by Hiro Mizukoshi

Tutorial book on hojōjutsu. It contains lots of pictures tutorials. Only in Japanese but can be appreciated without the knowledge of the language. 

Ittatsu-Ryu Hojo-Jutsu 一達流捕縄術 by Kazuhiko Itatsu 板津和彦

Tutorial of hojōjutsu ties on mannequin. Most ties are a single image with a long text description. Text in Japanese and English

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