Day 19: Serpentine
In a similar way to the open diamond technique, you can create a middle stem and catch it from the sides to create a zig-zag pattern. This structure can be built as a quick release, removing the stem makes the whole tie collapse. We’ll explore more of the serpentine structure in Day 208.
Serpentine Chest Harness
Creating a serpentine harness forces us to explore different placements as the horizontal lines are not symmetric. Building a way to untie the stem without removing the wrap allows us to surprise our partners with a disappearing tie.
Practice Time!
Make your own serpentine harness!
Self-evaluation checklist:
- Frictions are compact and tight with no undesired twists.
- Ropes are flat against the body, no uncomfortable twists.
- Tension is even across the tie.
- The placement of the horizontal ropes is at an even distance from each other.
- The pull on the vertical stem is at an even tension so that it is creating a nice lighting bolt shape
Exploration ideas:
- Compare having only a few horizontal lines, or have lots of them.
- Play with the tension of the vertical stem, keep it straight the whole time, or start with a looser rope to have a wider lighting shape.
- Experiment with different placement of stem and horizontal lines.
- Try to remove the stem without untying the rest.
Being tied: Lower Ribs and Solar Plexus – sansblagueThe serpentine structure presented here can use the border of the lower ribcage to stabilize the counter tension. Before letting yourself be tied, take a moment to explore this area together with your partner. Where does your rib cage actually end? Can you follow it from the front to the back? Can you feel the movement of the diaphragm when you hold your hands on the border of your ribs? In the front, right where your chest bone ends, how does it feel when you push towards the solar plexus? Both the solar plexus and the diaphragm are potentially affected when you are tied along the border of the lower rib cage. The diaphragm has importance for how you breathe, so limiting its movement will restrict your breathing. The solar plexus is a complex network of nerves, and people have different reactions to putting pressure on this area. Some only feel nauseous, others really enjoy it. Find out together what kind you are, and use the knowledge when applying the ropes in this chest harness. |
Inspirations and Resources
Coming soon!
Credit: Serpentine idea inspired by Zamil M: NathanielFlumen R/P: Ebi McKnotty
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