With just a few techniques, you can create pretty much any tie. A single column tie to start in a safe way, then some frictions to tie with the rest of the rope, and from there we can add up.

The goal of this week is to learn and practice a few core techniques that will allow you to build a variety of patterns and improvise your own ties.

Day 1: Single Column Tie – Learn the Somerville bowline and practice your favourite single column tie with a few challenges.
Day 2: Frictions – Explore different friction patterns using the rope skirt.
Day 3: Improvisation – aka Ichinawa and Ipponnawa – Try some rope improvisation using only one rope. Tie, untie, tie again, untie, repeat!
Day 4: Locking and Finishing – Learn to lock the rope in place using a clove hitch and a double half-hitch. Practice these locking techniques with the cross-legged pose aka agura shibari.
Day 5: Extending Ropes – Learn to extend your rope using a lark’s head or a square knot. Enjoy some improvising time to test the different techniques.
Day 6: Cinches – Learn the double column tie and the cinched friction. Practice cinches with the mermaid tie.
Day 7: Coiling – Learn the overhand hank and coil your ropes so they are ready for next time.



Or skip directly to hitches for more techniques.

Or return to Spring for more options.


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